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East Molesey Methodist Church

A welcoming church; aspiring to be a visible sign of God's love with a
passion for worship, learning and serving the needs of the community

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ECO Church Fairtrade Fundraising

Social Responsibility

We take our Social responsibilities very seriously both individually and as a church. We have been a Fairtrade Church for many years and attained the Bronze Eco Church award in 2023.

Our Fundraising team organises lots of events throughout the year and we have a nominated recipient for the fundraising each quarter, sometimes this is a Church project (like the solar panels) and sometimes it’s for a charity. From June to August 2024 our fundraising effort was for the Moss Hall Windows Project which is now complete. We raised £476 through donations and events such as the Molesey Carnival and John Hackett Band concert. We thank everyone who came along to the various events and gave so generously.

For the current quarter (September to November) we are looking to raise money for the replacement church heaters and further energy saving measures. This is all part of our commitment to saving energy and reducing our impact on the environment