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East Molesey Methodist Church

A welcoming church; aspiring to be a visible sign of God's love with a
passion for worship, learning and serving the needs of the community

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Tiny Crafters Love Splodge

Our Children

We aim to create a friendly Christian atmosphere for learning and fellowship.

Junior Church
Children are part of our church congregation at the beginning of worship on Sundays, before moving to their own session.

There are a range of toys and games, crafts and activities, reading and stories to help children explore faith and the basics of Christianity. Children are looked after by a rota of friendly volunteers.

On mornings with communion, children join in at the end of the service. Every couple of months there are special all age services where everyone meets together in church for the whole service.

Tiny Crafters
During term-time Tiny Crafters, our regular session for pre-schoolers and their carers, meet in the church. They enjoy a fun morning with a gentle mix of crafts, toys, singing and stories.

For up to date news you can find Tiny Crafters on Facebook Tiny Crafters Facebook page

Splodge is our holiday club for children under 7 with their carers. There is a choice of activities toys and crafts as well as story time, singing and refreshments.

August Thursdays
Our August Thursdays offer a regular craft and play session for under 7’s with their carers during the summer holidays.