Our church has events all year round as shown in the diary below. If you would like more details of some of these events, please click on them.
See also details of our Services
(EMMC = East Molesey Methodist Church)
Date | Time | Event | Location |
3 February | 8.00pm | Circuit Leadership Team | Virtual meeting |
4 February | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
4 February | 8.00pm | Zoom Housegroup | Virtual meeting |
6 February | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
11 February | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
12 February | 8.00pm | Church Council | Virtual meeting |
13 February | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
20 February | 10.30am - 12pm | Love Splodge | EMMC |
24 February | 8.00pm | Kingdom Come | Refresh |
25 February | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
25 February | 8.00pm | Zoom Housegroup | Virtual meeting |
27 February | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
28 February | 7pm for 7.30pm film | Friday Film Night | EMMC |
4 March | N/A | Shrove Tuesday | EMMC |
4 March | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
5 March | N/A | Ash Wednesday | EMMC |
5 March | 8.00pm | Leadership Meeting | Virtual meeting |
6 March | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
7 March | 10.30am | World Day of Prayer - 'I made you wonderful' | St Peter's Church |
9 March | 10.30am | Lent 1 | EMMC |
11 March | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
11 March | 8.00pm | Zoom Housegroup | Virtual meeting |
12 March | 10am– 4pm | Presbyteral Synod | Notting Hill MC |
12 March | 8.00pm | Fundraising Group | Virtual meeting |
13 March | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
16 March | 10.30am | Lent 2 | EMMC |
18 March | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
20 March | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
23 March | 10.30am | Lent 3 | EMMC |
24 March | 8.00pm | Kingdom Come | St Peter’s |
25 March | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
25 March | 8.00pm | Zoom Housegroup | Virtual meeting |
26 March | 8.00pm | Circuit Safeguarding Meeting | Virtual meeting |
27 March | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
28 March | 7pm for 7.30pm film | Friday Film Night | EMMC |
30 March | 10.30am | Lent 4. Mothering Sunday | EMMC |
1 April | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
3 April | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
3 April | 8.00pm | Local Preachers and Worship Leaders Meeting | Hampton |
5 April | 10.30am - 2pm | Book/CD/DVD Fair | EMMC |
6 April | 10.30am | Lent 5 | EMMC |
9 April | 8.00pm | Circuit Leadership Team | Teddington |
13 April | 10.30am | Lent 6. Palm Sunday | EMMC |
17 April | 7.30pm | Maundy Thursday worship | EMMC |
20 April | TBC | Easter Day Sunrise Service | TBC |
20 April | 10.30am | Easter Sunday | EMMC |
22 April | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
24 April | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
25 April | 7pm for 7.30pm film | Friday Film Night | EMMC |
28 April | 8.00pm | Kingdom Come | St Mary’s |
29 April | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
30 April | 8.00pm | Leadership Meeting | Virtual meeting |
1 May | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
6 May | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
8 May | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
10 May | 10am – 1pm | Representative Session of Synod | Westminster |
11 May | After morning service | General Church meeting | EMMC |
11 May | 12.30pm | Children & families picnic | Bushy Park |
12 May | 8.00pm | Circuit Meeting | Hanworth Methodist Church |
13 May | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
14 May | 8.00pm | Property & Finance meeting | Virtual meeting |
15 May | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
20 May | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
21 May | 8.00pm | Pastoral Committee | Virtual meeting |
22 May | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
27 May | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
29 May | 10.30am - 12pm | Tree Splodge | EMMC |
30 May | 7pm | Railway Children talk | EMMC |
3 June | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
5 June | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
10 June | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
11 June | 8.00pm | Church Council | EMMC |
12 June | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
14 June | TBC | TBC at Molesey Carnival | Walton Road Recreation Ground, West Molesey |
17 June | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
19 June | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
24 June | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
26 June | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
1 July | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
3 July | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
5 July | TBC | Coffee morning | EMMC |
8 July | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
10 July | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
15 July | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
17 July | 9.30-11.15am | Tiny Crafters | EMMC |
22 July | 10.00am-12.00pm | Knit and natter | The Manse |
1 September | 11.00am-8.00pm | Molesey Photographic Club Showcase | Church |
2 September | 11.00am-8.00pm | Molesey Photographic Club Showcase | Church |
3 September | 11.00am-8.00pm | Molesey Photographic Club Showcase | Church |
4 September | 11.00am-8.00pm | Molesey Photographic Club Showcase | Church |
5 September | 11.00am-4.00pm | Molesey Photographic Club Showcase | Church |
6 September | 11.00am-4.00pm | Molesey Photographic Club Showcase | Church |
21 September | 10.30am | Harvest service followed by bring and share lunch | EMMC |
27 September | 10am - 12pm | Macmillan Coffee Morning | EMMC |
9 November | 10.30am | Remembrance Sunday - no service at EMMC | West Molesey War Memorial |
15 November | 10.30am - 2pm | Christmas Market & Model railway exhibition | Church + Halls |
30 November | 10.30am | Advent 1 | EMMC |
7 December | 10.30am | Advent 2 - Gift service | EMMC |
14 December | 10.30am | Advent 3 | EMMC |
21 December | 10.30am | NO MORNING SERVICE | EMMC |
21 December | 6.30pm | Advent 4. Carol Service | EMMC |
25 December | 10.45am | Christmas Day all age worship | EMMC |